Friday, May 20, 2011

Kindergarten Time Line

While learning about insects and their life cycle, we took time out and made a time line of our favorite times together this year.  First, we put the months in order, then we glued pictures of happenings during that certain month.  One little girl said, "How old were we in that picture?" 

The children also had a chance to add some of their favorite times. 


This past week we were entamologists and we studied the amazing world of insects.  The children chose what insect that would like to learn about, and each day, broke up into groups and shared with the others their insect's body features, life cycle, and a few interesting facts.

Class survey:  Do you think bugs are creepy or cool?

Here are a few of our insect centers: 

Playing Bed Bugs!

What bugs you? 

Our favorite game!

How many bugs did you find? 

To end the unit, we made insects out of goodies.  Thanks so much for sending it in!!!  Check out our bugs!