Friday, March 4, 2011

Read Across America!

We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss next week.  On Friday, we learned about  Theodor Seuss Geisel and read many books with our 3rd chums.  

Addison's Grandfather was our parent reader on Friday. 

The Coin Exchange!

Since we were selling our lemonade for a quarter, we had to learn what makes a quarter just in case we had to give change back. 

Class Store

While learning about money, each child in the classroom has a daily job to complete.  Each child will get paid  15 cents a day plus and extra 5 cents ("bonus pay)" for staying in the circle of respect. That's 20 cents a day!   On Fridays, students are able to spend their money at our class store or they can save their money for bigger items.

Ice Cold Lemonade!

While learning about money, we decided to earn money to donate to the Samaritan Ministries in Winston Salem.  We decided to sell lemonade.  So, this week we made a commerical and made posters to advertise about our Lemonade Stand. 

Enjoy our commerical!

We made posters to help advertise about our lemonade.

We measured, poured, stirred and tasted lemonade.  We wrote the steps on how we made our lemonade on a flow map. 


On Friday, we sold lemonade for 25 cents a cup! 

                 Our lemonade stand was a huge success!! We raised $205.00 for the  
    Samaritan Ministires of Winston Salem!

The letter x

We went on an x hunt and counted how many exit signs were in our school. 

We also played tic tac toe.

Ms. Meads and Mrs. Hocevar

We would like to thank Ms. Meads for all that she has done for us the last few months, and we would like to welcome Mrs. Hocevar back!