Friday, February 18, 2011

Maps and more Maps!

   We read The Jolly Postman and read a map of his mail route, using North, East, South and West. 

We had a great time learning about Cardinal Directions and about the Compass Rose. We played North, East, South and West. 

We sorted objects and symbols.  

 We had fun reading the blueprint of our school. 
After learning about maps, we used blocks to make a map of our bedrooms.  The children had fun making their maps and even made a map key to go with it! 


While we are still waiting for our Flat Stanley's to come in, we read Chapter 3.  We discussed the different
types of kites and wrote descriptive sentences about kites. 

We are waiting for the wind to blow, so we can fly kites.  

Mailing our Friendly Letters

We finally mailed off our Friendly letters.  Be sure to check your mailbox!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Check out our Valentine's Day FUN!

Reading Tubs

Here's what our reading tubs look like...I am always so busy at this time, that I never seem to have
time to take pictures. 

Happy Birthday Ms. Meads!

We celebrated Ms. Meads' Birthday!