Friday, February 25, 2011

Coins and more...

We are learning about coins but most importantly we are learning how to save, spend and donate our money. Every child in the class has a job.  Just like me, they will get paid for doing their job for the day.  Each child will be paid 15 cents for doing their job and at the end of the day they can earn an extra 5 cents which we call a bonus pay (for doing their job well).  Each week, the children can spend their earnings at our class store.  As a class, we talked about jobs and responsibilities.  There are some things that are expected and some things that are not.   We read different books about the character's attitude about money and had a great time investigating coins.  We put the coins that we investigated with into a jar and decided as a class how to spend the money.  The children came up with some great ideas.  They wanted to buy crayons, glue sticks, things for centers and we had one little boy who wanted to donate the money (which was only $6. 27) to somebody who needed food.  We decided as a class to donate the money in our jar to our community.  So we are saving money to donate to The Samaritan Ministries of Winston Salem.  So how are we going to earn money to donate?   We are planning to have a lemonade stand and sell lemonade!

Investigating Coings

Collecting the coins.

What will we do with our coins? 

Coin Centers