Sunday, March 3, 2013


To start off our economy unit we reviewed needs and wants.  We learned that to get want we need and want, we may have to have money.  Since we were learning about coins in math, it only made sense! 

We reviewed needs and wants. 

We also learned the difference between goods and services.  

We learned about jobs in the community.  

We read Miss Nelson is Missing! and made a venn diagram comparing our class with her class.  

We wrote thank you notes to community helpers. I will
make sure that the letters get in the right hands!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A teacher

Ok, how funny is that?  I died laughing when I saw the Diet Mt. Dew bottle filled with water.  

A lego designer

A veterinarian.

 A video game designer.

A builder.  ("I want to build cabinets just like my dad.")

A Police Officer

A Teacher

A Police Officer

A Doctor

To earn money in the classroom, each child has a daily job.  They will get paid at the end of the day for performing their job.  They will also get a bonus pay for demonstrating responsible behavior in the classroom.  

We decided as a class to set up a classroom store.  Children sorted through the treat box and sorted items.  Thank you so much for sending in items. 

On Fridays, we can visit the classroom store and spend our money.  

There is a lot of learning going on in the classroom.  We have learned about needs and wants, and goods and services.  We have also learned how important money is.  We have learned to count money, earn money and now it's time to raise money.  The children wanted to raise money to buy a class pet,  they wanted more outside toys, more dramatic play toys and more things to put in centers, so I read the story, The Giving Tree. 

We discussed how not be selfish and learned that we did not need material things to make us happy.  The children made a giving tree.  They drew and thought of things that they could give others that didn't cost any money.  

They decided to raise money and give the monies to the Humane Society.  We decided to sell shamrock crayons to the student body.  We have been busy peeling crayons and then Mrs. Moss takes them home to melt.  The children have made a commercial that will be broadcasted the week of the 11th and we will sell the crayons on the 15th.  The children made posters and have worked very hard peeling crayons whenever they have free time.  

Here's the final product.
We will wrap them up, tie with a bow and sell them for 50cents.  

Happy Birthday!

Thank you Mrs. Koll!  

Silent e and The H brothers

                                      We enjoyed learning about silent e.  Check out the video.

We played silent e memory!

We also started learning about The H brothers.  (ch, th, sh, and wh). I found stories for each one.  The children ask, "When our we going to learn about another brother!"

 We went fishing to feed the hungry brothers.  We sorted pictures by their beginning sound (sh, th,wh).

President's Day

We read many nonfiction texts about Abe Lincoln and George Washington.  Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches? 

We investigated each coin starting with the penny.   

We enjoyed money math centers.  


Our 3rd grade chums came and helped us count money.   

Which will clean a penny better?  Salt and water?  or Salt and vinegar?  

Vinegar and salt!

We read George Washington's Breakfast.  We found out that George Washington ate Indian Hoe Cakes for breakfast.  We made our own version of hoe cakes.  Fried cornbread.  (Jiffy Mix)  The children loved them!

We made chefs while waiting for our hoe cakes to cook.  

We also learned that George Washington had a terrible time with his teeth.  It was a great time to learn about Dental Health!

Cute Molar craft!

I found this cute little tooth art project on pinterest.  I forgot to take a picture of ours.